Water and sanitation
Clean and safe water for drinking is a great need God's people have and they are entitled to improved health but unfortunately they're suffering due to lack of access to clean water, knowledge inability to implement the required skills on cleanliness. Eventually this has led to increasing health hazards to community members thus losing hope for life.it ie therefore on this sad matter that casc ministry uganda exists to take an initiative to bring positive changetothe status quothat local communities have lived causing health awareness, spreading love of sharing and restoring hope thus changing their mindset and improving standards of living.
We encourage you to connect with your Child in order to foster a relationship that ministers to his/her heart. Sponsorship is not simply about sending money, it's about investing in the future of a Child on multiple levels. Your sponsored Child feels special because of your commitment, they long for a deeper relationship with you that is possible through your expression of love through communicating via letter writing and pictures.